Loving Your True Skin

When scrolling on social media, the majority of the time you see picture-perfect models with flawless skin. It is so easy to slip into that phase of comparing yourself to these models. I am here to tell you to stop! The process of loving yourself starts with every part of yourself. Yes, even that pimple or wrinkle. Loving yourself means you embrace the aging and the acne. Today I am going to dive deeper into what self-love means and I have found some inspirational quotes that I guarantee will build that self-love!

You are beautiful! You are! Stop letting society tell you that you are too old, or not enough! The only thing that should matter is what you think. If you love yourself and the way you look then why should you care what anyone thinks? I really love how this quote talks about being proud of yourself. There is nothing wrong with being proud, and confident in what you do!

This quote really spoke to me about self-love. I am constantly reminded to stop criticizing myself! As a mother, I am reminded that the way I speak about myself is an example to my daughter of how she should talk about herself. In order to end this self-criticizing cycle I have created a plan! Every time I am self-hating I have to give myself two compliments! Yes, it seems awkward at first but I swear this is such a game-changer! I also implemented this rule to my children and it has really grown their confidence and self-love!

If this resonates with you, we should be internet besties!


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