Weight Gain in Perimenopause & Menopause and What to do about it….
If you are in your early 40’s and beyond, chances are you have struggled with weight gain especially in the belly area. Why? Because our hormones change and our metabolism slows down.
Speaking from someone who has never worried about her weight who suddenly finds she is gaining belly fat, even though I haven’t changed anything I know the frustration.
Which is why I brought my own functional medical doctor, Dr. Willey on my Instagram Live to talk about easy things we women can be doing if you are experiencing weight gain. We will be doing these lives once a month, so make sure you are following me @Laurenlhale on Instagram.
Check out our live below if you missed it:
After you have watched the video, click the button below for a quick recap of some of the supplements I take in perimenopause that have helped me navigate symptoms!
Here are the note recaps from the Weight Gain Live above:
Weight gain in perimenopause & menopause:
Sites for finding a functional medicine practitioner:
• worldhealth.net (http://worldhealth.net/)
• https://www.ifm.org/functional-medicine/patient-resource-center/ (https://www.ifm.org/functional-medicine/patient-resource-center/)
• Dr. Willey's site: drwilley.com (http://drwilley.com/)
• Book: Obtainable
• https://drwilley.com/obtainable/ (https://drwilley.com/obtainable/)
• Sex hormones are essential in weight management
Lifestyle factors:
• Eating: find something consistent that works for you and your family sustainably
• You don't need as much protein as you think for optimal health
• Style of eating: what works for you and your family and what will you consistent at? No fad diets!
• Listen to your body - but also eat in moderation
• Food noise: evaluate the food noise in your brain and how prevalent those cravings and pervasive thoughts are in your mind
• Eat to your schedule and comfort - make this a household decision
• 40-60 g of protein
• Movement:
• After last meal, 20 minute walk
• Resistance training
• Home-based strength training: Pilates, yoga
• 30-60 minutes strength training at least times a week
• Movement doesn't cause weight loss
• Body adapts to what it's used to
• Multifactorial
• Iliopsoas muscle - hip thrusts can cause bloating
• Overuse of antibiotics, processed foods
• Do take a tablespoon of fermented food daily as a prebiotic
• Fiber: short chain fatty acid
Creatine for Women:
• Creatine is an awesome supplement for women in perimenopause and menopause - an amino acid
• Choose a creatine-monohydrate( any brand)
• Creatine Increases cognition
• Creatine increases water absorption
• Creatine protects against muscle mass loss
• 3-5 g for women
• Especially protective for dementia/Alzheimer's
It does not give you loss of hair. That is caused by other factors.
• Best anxyolitic is exercise - enhances sympathetic tone unless you are OVER exercising
• You're doing too much if you're not seeing results and you don't feel good
• Increase GABA - fruit and veggies, especially greens
• Eating small portion sizes
• Overeating inhibits gabanergic response
• L-theanine in pill form
• Magnolia Bark
• Relora - can be activating
• Ashwaganda can be activating
• Holy Basil
• Irritability/Rage around cycle
• Cyclic progesterone - converted to norpregnenolone and then GABA
Progesterone can be given 2 weeks of the month for irritability based on your menstrual cycle.
I hope this information is helpful! Please remember you are not alone in this chapter of life!!
Laughing and learning during our LIVE